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AC Motor Drive

With modern power electronics and advanced microprocessor technology, Delta's AC Motor Drives are able to efficiently control motor speed, Improve machine automation and save energy. Taking advantage of our strong position in power electronics technology, Delta's VFD Series of AC motor Drives has evolved rapidly. Each Drive series is designed to meet specific application needs. Our AC Drives accurately control speed and torque, smoothly handle an increased load, and provide numerous custom control and configuration operating modes. Our AC Motor Drive product line provides a full range of motor control technologies and is used throughout a wide range of industries, to enhance and improve machine automation.


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Direktavkännande och
med Reflex.
Ring 0520-41 10 20
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PLC AS200-serie

Kraftfull PLC med
Ethernet och CANopen
som standard.
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CFP2000 - IP55

Frekvensomriktare med
IP55-klass och valbar
Alltid Inbyggd PLC och

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Nyhetsbrev Oktober 2017

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